Neomec _ Sistemi automatici per movimentazione banner prod int


automatic systems for

handling, transport, overturning, loading

Neomec _ UPSET-V-PA ribaltatore



Upset-V-PA _ Overturner of panels with suction cups

Upset-V-Pa is a tipper for panels equipped with suction cups. On this machine, during the overturning movement the piece is moved laterally with respect to the incoming line.

It can overturn single pieces or stacked and is mainly suitable for big and heavy panels.


The machine receives the panel (or stack of panels) on the infeed rollerway, it aligns the panel against the possible reference stop and picks it up (from above or below according to the system layout) by means of motorized rotating arms holding suckers, which rotate the panel on the opposite side, overturn and place it either on another surface (fix or motorized) or onto a lifting unloading platform, etc.


Upset-V-PA is generally used for the overturning of panels on finishing lines, painting lines and whenever the processing on both sides is required.

  • High quality of construction
  • Strong and reliable mechanics
  • Minimum maintenance
  • Suitable for heavy works
  • Utmost care in safety of the operator

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